Wednesday, 24.8.2022
20:20 – 21:20, Palais
21 downbeat: »Berlin«
»Berlin settled on me like a quilt with fiery flowers.« (Irmgard Keun)
Intoxication, ecstasy, confetti, dance and theatre: welcome to 21 downbeat, the band of the RambaZamba Theater! After the previous years’ Commissioned Works »Rausch Royal« und »Der Ring«, the new Commissioned Work »Berlin« will be presented at Pop-Kultur 2022. Its focus is on the entertainment metropolis of the 1920s. A place of longing for pleasure-seekers, dreamers and reckless spirits, always teetering close to the abyss. To this end, the band sets off in search of literary footprints, adorning itself with Irmgard Keun’s »fiery flowers«, dating Alexander Döblin’s »Whore of Babylon«, and searching for Kurt Tucholsky’s »sense of love«.
A production of the RZT and the No Limits Festival. Co-produced with Pop-Kultur Berlin Festival / Pop-Kultur Commissioned Works, funded by Initiative Musik gemeinnützige Projektgesellschaft mbH with project funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM).
Credits: Moritz Höhne, Eva Fuchs, Ferdinand Dambeck, Hieu Pham, Heiko Fechner, Robin Gehlhar (music), Leo Solter & Jakob Höhne (musical direction), Lillevan (video).