Thursday, 25.8.2022
21:20 – 22:00, Kino in der Kulturbrauerei (Saal 5)
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»Ethik der Appropriation« (De)

Aida Baghernejad (Moderation), Jens Balzer, Julian Warner

Cultural appropriation is one of today’s touchy subjects. While many people criticise it as a form of theft from marginalised groups, others reject the accusation. In his new book »Ethik der Appropriation« (»Ethics of Appropriation«), cultural journalist Jens Balzer concludes that all culture is based on appropriation. While referring to Paul Gilroy’s concept of the Black Atlantic along with the queer theory of Judith Butler, he contrasts a »bad« appropriation that’s naturalising and deterministic with a »good« appropriation that’s conscious of its madeness. The question is not whether appropriation is justified but rather how to appropriate correctly. Balzer will discuss this with Aida Baghernejad, moderator, journalist and scholar; and Julian Warner, who is also appearing at Pop-Kultur under his alias Fehler Kuti and who has worked at the Institute for Cultural Anthropology at the University of Göttingen, having most recently published the anthology »AFTER EUROPE – Beiträge zur dekolonialen Kritik« (»Contributions to Decolonial Criticism«) via Verbrecher Verlag.

Collage of three photos side by side. They are, in this order from left to right: Jens Balzer, Julian Warner and Aida Baghernejad. Jens Balzer and Aida Baghernejad are seen in close-up, Julian Warner in half-total. Jens Balzer, a white man with shimmering grey medium-length hair hanging loosely over his forehead and his left eye and a grey shaggy beard framing the part of his mouth, looks directly into the camera. Julian Warner is Person of Colour with black hair, black upper lip and chin beard, grey shirt and wine-red beanie cap. He looks into the camera and squints his eyes. Blue sky can be seen in the background. Aida Baghernejad looks into the picture to the left, she is clearly laughing. Her lips are painted an intense red. As if in a fit of rapture, she brings her right hand half open to her mouth. A strand of her long, black hair falls loosely back.
Jens Balzer, Julian Warner, Aida Baghernejad

Jens Balzer, Julian Warner

Aida Baghernejad

Film Location
Kino der Kulturbrauerei, Berlin

Film & Editing