Thursday, 25.8.2022
21:20 – 22:00, Kino in der Kulturbrauerei (Saal 3)
Graf Fidi
Graf Fidi wants to have it all, not despite any physical limitations but precisely because of them. For 20 years, the Berliner has been rapping about what drives him: women, jobs and partying. He also touches on his disability, not only in tracks such as »Es ist normal, verschieden zu sein« (»It’s Normal to Be Different«) but also in rap workshops. Besides music, Graf Fidi aka Hans-Friedrich Baum is also active as an inclusion ambassador, moderator, speaker and expert on »Leichte Sprache«, or accessible language. The fact that he used to be a battle rapper can also be heard in his clever and witty rhymes: »Ich bin kein leidendes Opfer, sondern wie jeder Mensch, der was Gescheites im Kopf hat« (»I’m not a suffering victim; I’m like anyone with a clever mind«).