Friday, 26.8.2022
22:00 – 22:40, Alte Kantine
There are plenty of songs about drunken nights, but Verifiziert makes them sound really cool. »Kirchglocken läuten, ich rauch hundert Tschick/ Verlier die Kontrolle am Dach und es blitzt« (»Church bells are ringing, I smoke a hundred ciggies / Lose control on the roof and it flashes«) is one such example from her little hit »Tschick«, a colloquial word for »cigarette« in Austrian and one which immediately makes the her origins apparent. The Viennese musician calls her genre »cloud-pop«, mixing atmospheric rap with casual lo-fi sounds and catchy melodies. Atop her music, Verfiziert – a name which references both her nickname Veri and the check-mark verification of social media – raps and sings about the problems of everyday life, ones that mostly pop up at night: the confusion of love, insomnia and missing lighters.